As part of #TeamRatton's ongoing commitment to safeguard our young people and through our ongoing relationship with our local force Sussex Police, we recently hosted our first police roadshow event at school.
The roadshow was held during first break on the play ground, an event to raise awareness of issues relating to young people across the UK. Two marked police vehicles were parked on site and our learners from across the year groups were invited to talk to police officers and PCSOs on the day, asking questions and talking about issues relating to young people; particularly gang culture and knife crime.
Our learners asked some great questions and attended the event respectfully and with enthusiasm. They were also given the opportunity to walk through and experience a 'metal detector archway' (similar to those used at airports), learning what an impact these make when trying to cutdown on knife crime and weapons in school. available. This roadshow was a huge successful and helped learners further embed their classroom learning in their recent PSHE lessons in knife crime, police powers and the use of 'stop and search'.
Our parent/carer community and, of course, our learners have been really positive about the Roadshow and we hope to hold this event again in the future. As ever, it was great to see so many of our young people active in discussion with our local police force and on a voluntary basis, choosing to spend their lunchtime with colleagues from the police force. Well done #TeamRatton!
Thanks for coming Sussex Police #Eastbourne, it was a pleasure to have you and our learners learnt a lot. See you again soon!