Student leadership at Ratton School is a central strand of student achievement that enables confidence building to raise aspirations and recognise the talent of the student body. We aim to provide opportunities for learners to develop leadership skills, empowering partnership between students and staff to gain a deeper understanding of the organisation; leading to a shared vision and virtues, increase in global standards and contribution to the community they live in.
The student leaders will have had a past record of student participation and are voted into positions as Student Leaders or Head Boy/Girl by their peers in ‘The Big Vote’. Student leaders undergo leadership and mental health training, support at key events and have school duties.
Year 7 to 11 students have been identified by their English teachers as excellent readers or writers and take part in national events competing against other schools and enriching their skills.
Being friendly and approachable and ensuring that students know who they can talk to and what support is available is their key role. The students also support students through transition from Year 6 to Year 7 and provide a buddy role for students currently in Year 7.
Students in all years will support the provision of their team sport, e.g. Year 7 football captains will support Year 7 football. These students will be selected by the PE department based on effort, results and commitment to the sport.
Year 8/9 students provide outreach programmes to our primary and junior feeder schools. Meeting once per week the students help to teach technique and choreography, lead their own dance sessions and contribute the school performances.
Year 9 students selected by leadership skills, effort and commitment in lessons benefit from a professional athlete assigned to the school to support them. Developing the core PE values, the students assist in leading primary festivals twice per half-term at Key Stages 1 and 2, possibly leading to additional work with other schools in the community.
Year 7 – 9 students produce outdoor learning spaces made to support cross-curricular learning opportunities. Meeting twice per week, the focus is on sustainable development.
The Student Receptionist (all years) and Student Leaders provide tours to visitors of the school, ensuring that any questions are answered. There are greater Student Ambassador numbers required at key events, such as Open Evening.
Students in all years are welcome to join Sexuality and Gender Association. The group is committed to equality, both in terms of the group membership, which is open to any student in the school, and in ensuring human rights for all.
Students from all years can be selected to be part of the interview process for all new staff. They are selected to represent the school community as a student interview panel and are a critical element in the decision to appoint.