
Home » Curriculum » Drama

Our vision includes the belief that:

  • A broad and balanced curricular and extra-curricular programme will unlock and support the artistic potential of all our students.
  • Outstanding exam results will be achieved with a commitment to every child, not just our talented performers.
  • The performing arts will encourage each individual to work in a creative, co-operative and collaborative manner while promoting personal, learning and thinking skills.
  • Students learn best in a participative and creative environment placed within a firm framework of high standards in teaching and learning.
  • Students need an understanding of, and access to, developing technologies in order to encourage participation and leadership in a technologically developing society.
  • We have a responsibility to our local community through productions and performances.

Our aim as a department is to deliver an engaging and challenging curriculum through a predominantly Physical Skills method.

There are two strands to the Drama Curriculum, Social Drama Skills and Physical Drama Skills.

Social Drama Skills include: Negotiation, Listening, Control, Focus, Concentration and Control

Physical Drama Skills include: Facial Expression, Body Language, Voice Movement and Gesture.

Subject Information

Subject Leadership: Mrs V Potten, Curriculum Leader.

Mr N Stocker, Drama Teacher.

Mr M Adams, Drama Teacher.

Mr D Brinson, Drama Teacher.

Facilities: We are fortunate to have two full time Drama Studios. The main Drama Studio is fully equipped with modern light and sound facilities.

Curriculum Overview