British Values

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British Values at Ratton School

Ratton School has a very strong ethos that is underpinned by its own core virtues of compassion, respect, creativity, teamwork, effort and responsibility.

These virtues link with the teaching and development of British Values which are respect and understanding of democracy, the rule of law and individual liberty as well as mutual respect and tolerance for those of different faiths and beliefs. We take pride in making sure our young people can identify and challenge discrimination and that those who are victims of discrimination are supported.

Our young people are future leaders and so Ratton ensures that they receive quality character education. We deliver this character education through the taught curriculum, particularly in Ethics and Citizenship, regular assemblies that are linked to virtues, in a structured tutor time programme and via the wealth of extra-curricular activities on offer. We are proud that we are one of very few secondary schools that have received a Values Based Education Quality Mark.

Ms Bryden is the Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for Virtues and PSHE. She has received training from Values Based Education and the Birmingham University’s Jubilee Centre for Character Education.