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Ratton Uniform

All students are required to wear school uniform.

An acceptance of a place at Ratton School implies an acceptance by parents and students of the school’s dress code. Full school uniform must be worn for registration and assembly.

We are extremely proud of our new uniform, which we believe to be smart and appropriate for the busy environment of school. An acceptance of a place here at Ratton implies an acceptance of our school uniform. Ratton School uniform from September 2023:-

  • Ratton branded school blazer (available from Monkhouse Schoolwear)
  • Traditional/Clip on purple tie (available from Monkhouse Schoolwear)
  • Plain (no logos) black unbranded shoes or trainers (available from any retailer)
  • Plain black (no logos) fitted/smart school trousers (not jeans, combats or skinny trousers, available from any retailer)
  • Plain white (no logos) shirt (long sleeved or short, available from any retailer)
  • Ratton branded grey v-neck jumper for year 7 and 8 (available from Monkhouse Schoolwear). Year 9, 10 and 11 may wear a plain grey v-neck knitted jumper without logos

Please note the following are not allowed:-

  • Coloured t-shirt, cardigans and hoodies (including zip up hoodies).
  • Extreme haircuts, for example tramline or mohicans and hair colour must be natural.
  • Facial, body and tongue piercings. There can only be one plain stud in the lobe.
  • Excessive make-up, jewellery, false eye lashes and false nails. No jewellery is to be worn in PE for safety.
  • Nail varnish must be clear or of a natural colour – no acrylics or gels.

Due to  increasing demand for uniform we have taken the decision to outsource our uniform to a local supplier. This will enable more stock to be held by our supplier and you will be able to order/buy outside school hours.

Monkhouse Schoolwear, who are a reputable local company, work with a number of secondary schools in the area and already supply our school with our trousers and shorts, but will now undertake supplying all school uniform directly to you. This has proved a successful system with our neighbouring schools. Please use the link below to access their website.


Students who come to school with incorrect uniform for any reason will be offered an alternative from our stock for that day, or be asked to go home and return appropriately dressed. Should you be unclear of the standard required, please contact school to seek clarification before purchasing items that may be incorrect.


At Ratton, we take pride in the appearance of our pupils during PE lessons, and whilst representing the school in fixtures and sporting events. We wish for our pupils to be both smart and comfortable during their lessons. After receiving feedback from our students in a recent survey, we have decided to make some alterations to our PE kit. 

These are now available to purchase on the Monkehouse Schoolwear website.

Ratton Royal Blue Polo Shirt with LogoRatton Royal Blue or ratton Navy ShortsRatton Blue Football SocksRatton Royal Blue PE Sweatshirt with Logo (optional)Ratton PE Training Pants (optional)

Ratton PE Leggings (optional)

Year 10 and 11 ONLY

Ratton PE Joggers (optional)Students will also require football boots, trainers, mouthguard and shinpads.